To import contacts, you must first create the fields you are interested in entering in the mailing list (for example, name, surname, email, company, country, etc.) and then import the excel file by combining the columns present in your file with those special email list previously created in the mailing list. However, it is always possible to add a single user at a time. Magnets like mailup, it is a paid newsletter sending system . In this case the database is important because it is the starting point for understanding how many single emails per year will be sent: the annual fee of the platform will depend on this.
At the conclusion of the contract, in fact, you will be asked for the estimated annual volume of mailings (do not worry, you can always buy other emails later if you run out of them before the annuity expires) and based on this a special email list salesman will make an offer. Ad hoc for you. The cost per single email to be sent will be the more convenient the higher the volume of traffic you intend to purchase. Magnews does not place any limit on the number of databases or on the groups in which to segment your database. However, it is advisable to try to better organize the division of contacts before proceeding with the import into the platform for sending newsletters .
For importing contacts into the platform, magnews works in a very similar way to mailup. You will have to initially create the fields that will make up your database and, subsequently, import the excel or csv file that contains the contacts. Designing and building special email list graphics: meeting or clash between creativity and newsletter sending systems? The graphic personalization of the email (fonts, images, colors, templates) is certainly the most fun and stimulating part in the process of creating a newsletter (word of a graphic designer!: d) but it is not always easy to manage, it depends on what are the tools made available by the sending system .