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If you don't know whether steroids will help your body to be a better athlete, and in order to determine whether you will benefit from steroids, I would suggest you to talk with professionals instead of going to your local pharmacy. This may cost thousands of dollars, and it's better to get advice from a professional than from a random internet person.
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If you are genetically tapped, things like Human Growth Hormone are things you may want to employ along with anabolic steroids so that you can push past your genetic capat certain points in your life. This has been suggested as a potential way to increase muscle size without any significant increase in testosterone levels. Consequences for using drugs It is important to also consider the possible drawbacks of using drugs and their side effects. Drug use does give you an edge when you get to the point you wish to achieve in strength, speed, endurance or even speed work. However, use of drugs can bring with it some serious consequences. Many of these have to do with the way a drug can impact your body and this can include, but is not limited to, weight gain โ especially if it is taken with steroids. A few of the most common side effects can be as follows: Weight gain โ When a person takes a drug like human growth hormone, the body is not forced to put on muscle mass. However, if a person takes human growth hormone with regular use, and also uses a drug such as anabolic steroids, this will result in the body putting on more muscle mass, which will make it harder to continue exercising. This side effect is especially serious when it is taken with a drug like human growth hormone, or with higher doses of anabolic steroids, as the body will no longer adapt to the extra protein required for building muscle โ it will just end up adding new muscle to the already existing one. Increased risk of heart attack โ In addition to the risk of gaining weight, many people who utilize human growth hormone end up taking many other supplements, including anti-inflammatories, diuretics and some types of blood pressure medications (diuretics can be taken as well as with drugs to reduce your blood pressure). Taking anabolic drugs will increase your risk of heart failure, especially if you take them with anti-inflammatories. Increased risk of kidney stones โ Anabolic drugs contain a large amount of water, and this can make a person very thirsty, especially if he or she has an irregular blood glucose level for the last few weeks. Many of the blood pressure medications can also be taken to increase the blood pressure of an individual who takes these drugs, which can cause kidney stones in some individuals. Increased risk of developing muscle wasting syndrome โ Some experts have stated that if you develop muscle wasting syndrome (MS), you cannot recover from it unless you stop taking steroids for a period to let the body heal itself. The exact cause of muscle wasting syndrome is unknown, so it is unknown as to when some people develop it or when others do not. Once this disorder Related Article: