Could also "scientifically" prove its India Phone Number List necessity. Socialist organizations predominantly adopted this perspective, but never abandoned the ethical and moral dimensions that guided them. As the British historian and writer Tony Judt affirms, the Marxism of those democratic socialists was, rather than an India Phone Number List absolutely closed system, a set of self-imposed neo-Kantian norms and rules about what is wrong and what should be, but within a scientific penumbra for the purpose of explaining to themselves and to others how to get from here to there with the confidence that history was on his side.Strictly India Phone Number List speaking, from the version of capitalism that Marx gives, one cannot extract a reason why socialism should (in a moral sense) exist.
According to Judt's position, democratic India Phone Number List socialists needed Marxism not so much to claim the socialization of the means of production as to give a scientific halo to an eminently ethical-political position. Affirming India Phone Number List themselves as anti-capitalist and assuring that the system was scientifically condemned to die was not enough: to summon the working classes, it was necessary to invoke a moral India Phone Number List reason that would explain why something called socialism would be better for the disadvantaged sectors. But to demonstrate that victory was assured and that they constituted the "chosen India Phone Number List class", they clearly specified it. Even so, this position is only partially valid.
The way in which Marxism India Phone Number List permeated socialist and social democratic organizations tended to modify many of their parameters and endowed them with an ideal that, on many occasions, it seemed to be socialism itself. A good part of the socialists and social democrats were convinced Marxists and not India Phone Number List ethical socialists who exploited that knowledge. Even so, his moral positions always remained at the bottom of the aspiration and strongly cut through his political propositions. If something characterized those socialist parties, it was a common cause in an absolute diversity. The French India Phone Number List socialists tended to think of it in terms of the republican and democratic traditions, while the Austrians, with Austro.